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Звезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активна

My great-grandfather Alexander Smelov68 years have passed since the Second World War ended... Here in Russia it is often called the Great Patriotic War, because all the people fighting for the liberation of their homeland and humanity from fascism. All the people stood up to fight against the German invaders and 27 million of them died before reaching the victory . In my family fought all: my great-grandmother fought in guerilla troop.

My great-grandfather died in battle near Gomel in the first days of war. Another one my great-grandfather fought in the Baltic Sea on torpedo boats. Another - died operator in the war, removing the military events. Great-grandmother felt the full brunt of the besieged Leningrad. Over 900 days of blockade of hunger and bombings were killed 1,5 million people.

My great-grandmother made shells for the front. She survived, but her parents died of hunger. They are buried on Piskarevskoe memorial Cemetery . There are buried 657 000 people which died in time of blockade. My great-grandfather Alexander Smelov was awarded the Highest honor of my country - the golden star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. During the war, he commanded a cavalry brigade. I know about him from my mother`s stories. I am proud of them both and all of my relatives who bravely defended our country.

In life they were peaceful, kind and caring people. I am proud of them because they have preserved for us homeland, liberated the world from fascism. Thanks to them, we live on the ground under a peaceful sky. I will remember them myself and l`ll give this memory to my children.


Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


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